In this paper, SolidCAM iMachining is studied and the detailed procedures of the machining process of a spur gear from stock material are described step by step by using SolidCAM 2014 2D iMachining technology. The simulation process makes it possible to observe the operations in real time conditions and makes the G-code flawless for physical operation. A great variety of machining operations on different stock objects for producing various products can be easily defined by using this suite which results in increased flexibility. The iMachining technology uses intelligent, patented algorithms for specific operations to optimize the tool path, reduce machining time, tool wear, etc. SolidCAM iMachining is a real breakthrough in CNC milling tool path technology. It provides a seamless single window integration and full associativity with the SolidWorks model. SolidCAM is the manufacturing suite for easiest, fastest, most efficient CNC (computer numerical control) simulation and programming facility that can be done directly inside SolidWorks. 6.Right click on the NC Manager and 'Generate tool-path'.SolidCAM is a popular add-in of SolidWorks. *** This step is a must *** Once the post is in the location 1.Edit the definition of your machine.

User defined post location - Unzip, then place all the extracted files in the location where you keep your post files. The XX denotes the year of CAMWorks you are running and the 圆4 may or may not be there depending on your system. ~ CAMWorks ~ Unzip, then place all the extracted files in C:\camworksData\CAMWorks20XX(圆4)\posts. The XX denotes the year of SolidWorksCAM you are running. Default post location - ~ SolidWorksCAM ~ Unzip, then place all the extracted files in C:\ProgramData\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS CAM 20xx\Posts\ sub folder Mill or Lathe depending on machine.

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to reply to this email. SOLIDWORKS CAM / CAMWorks Training - CLICK HERE If you find yourself modifying the G-code before sending it to your CNC, we can customize your post for a one time charge. Click to expand.I just received this from the folks at Hawkridge systems - hope it helps.